Funded by generous donations to the BBC Foundation, this bursary provides financial assistance to boys, who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend BBC. All recipients are expected to display academic progress commensurate with their ability and to take full and constructive part in all facets of College life.
Applications are currently closed.
Please join our email list by registering your details and interest via our Admissions Enquiry Form.
Selection Criteria:
The BBC Foundation Bursary is open to applicants seeking new or continued enrolment as a day or boarding student who demonstrate:
- A desire to achieve to their individual academic potential, as evidenced by academic reports demonstrating a conscientious and engaged approach to studies
- A willingness and desire to participate in all facets of College life, including academic, sporting, cultural and service activities
- Active participation and achievement in a variety of co-curricular activities
- Good character and a willingness to uphold the Christian values of the College
- Financial need